Home Jabra wireless Headsets Common Questions and Answers regarding wireless headsets

Common Questions and Answers regarding wireless headsets


Plantronics Wireless HeadsetCommon wireless headset Questions and Answers

Below are common questions about wireless headsets that are often misunderstood. The answer to these common questions will hopefully help to answer some of the most common falsehoods about wireless headsets

1. Wireless Headsets compromise confidentiality of phone calls and are not secure

False. In a wireless headset system, there is very little opportunity for the signal to be snooped by an eavesdropper, and different wireless headsets offer different types of protection against this.

  • Channel Hopping – The frequency that the two parts of the headset system talk on, is changed very rapidly.
  • Encryption – The signal between the headset and the base unit is digitally encrypted
  • Range Restrictions – The signal is never sent further than necessary – range is controlled through intelligent power management in the base station

Of these three strategies it is Digital Encryption that offers the greatest protection, with Channel Hopping and Range Restrictions adding an extra layer of obscurity and decreased opportunity respectively. All Plantronics and Jabra Headsets employ at least one type of this protection and some wireless headsets use all three. Some wireless headset systems feature;

  • 2.4 GHz, Multi-layered security system prevents eavesdropping.
  • Digital Spread Spectrum signal, originally developed for secure military communications, hops 90 times per second for airtight security.
  • All calls are protected by 64-bit encryption.
  • Smart Power Management limits range of transmission for additional security

2. Wireless Headsets do not have the same sound quality as wired headsets

False. In fact, wireless headsets today are using either a voice dedicated DECT 6.0 technology or 1.9GHz voice-dedicated wireless technology to deliver superior sound quality equal to that of corded headsets.

Callers often don’t realize that you are using a wireless headset.

3. Wireless Headsets can be used to perform phone functions i.e., place calls on hold or transfer calls

False. Although, virtually every wireless headset available on the market today allows you to answer a call remotely* it is not currently possible to make a call remotely on a wireless headset. The same is true for other telephone features such as placing calls On Hold, Transferring calls to another line, or answering a specific line if multiple lines are ringing.

The reason for this is that almost every telephone is different, and most have proprietary standards. That means no “One” device can be created to dial all of them consistently – believe it or not, this is true even of telephones from the same manufacturer

4. Wireless Headsets cost a lot more than Corded Headset systems

False. For just a few more dollars you can purchase a wireless headset that would free up your desk from cords dangling or tangling, and allow total freedom to roam about your office up to several hundred feet.

**Remote answering is available with headset lifter.

5. Interference occurs when multiple headsets are used

False. Leading-edge, voice-dedicated DECT 6.0 and 1.9GHz wireless technology provides best-in-class audio quality, digitally-secure communications, and the lowest probability of interference with other wireless devices while delivering uncompromised audio quality.

6. You cannot use more than one headset in an office environment

False. Depending on your environment and type of headset being used, with Jabra  Wireless Systems you can use up to 30 units in one area and up to 30-50 Plantronics Wireless Systems (depending on the model) in one area, keeping them 10 feet apart. The general rule of thumb is 30 units per 1000 square feet. If you are needing more than 30 units, you should seriously consider having a site survey for wireless frequencies before proceeding.

7. Multiple headsets can be used to operate from a single telephone for multi-shift users simultaneously.

False. Many offices/call centers with multiple users want to avoid sharing headsets, and would like the ability to operate several wireless headsets from one phone simultaneously. Unfortunately this cannot be done, as the primary headset must be paired with its base. Only one wireless system will work for a single phone.

Although, some call center operators that work swing or graveyard shifts who wish to use their own headset can use their own individual wireless headset, by removing their co-workers headset from the base, then they can pair their own headset to the base. When shift ends, they can pair co-worker’s original headset back to the base again.

8. You must purchase a specific office phone to connect a wireless headset system

False. Wireless headsets will work with virtually every type of office phone with the exception of a few models. All that entails is routing the wireless system through the handset port.

Call a representative to check compatibility if unsure.