Home Headset Installation FAQ Plantronics HW251N/HW261N and Avaya 9608, 9621, 9641, 9611 low volume problem solved

Plantronics HW251N/HW261N and Avaya 9608, 9621, 9641, 9611 low volume problem solved


Do you have a Avaya 9608, 9621, 9641, 9611 and purchased a Plantronics HW251N or HW261N corded headset and experienced low listening volume where you can barely hear your caller, regardless how high you turn up the volume?

Plantronics & Avaya have figure out the problem is not the headset, rather the Avaya firmware (H323 6.1 SP1) that’s on these Avaya phone models that’s causing the low volume issue.  The fix is easy, simply update to the latest firm (H.323 6.2) and volume problem solved.

This fix has been confirmed by Avaya.