Home Jabra wireless Headsets Jabra Go 6470 Wireless Headset Frequently Ask Questions

Jabra Go 6470 Wireless Headset Frequently Ask Questions

Jabra Pro 6470

Jabra Go 6470 Series Frequently Ask Questions

Jabra Pro 6470

Q Why won’t my headset pair with my mobile phone?

A Please check the following:

– Make sure that the headset is charged and in pairing mode. If the headset is already turned on, use the headset’s multi-function button to turn it off (press and hold for 4 seconds), then turn it back on to pairing mode (press and hold for 4 seconds). Please note that in pairing mode, its LED is a constant blue color. If it shows red, the headset needs charging.

– Make sure that Bluetooth® is active on your mobile phone and put it into Bluetooth® pairing mode. The exact procedure for doing this varies according to model and brand, so check your mobile phone user manual for details.

– Remember that the headset identifies itself as “Jabra GO 6400” — you need to find and select this on your phone. You might also be prompted to enter the pass code “0000” (four zeros) to accept pairing. If you are still having trouble, see the section “Using the Headset with other Bluetooth® Devices” below for further help.

Q How do I pair my headset with the Jabra GO 6470 base?

A If you dock a Jabra GO 6470 base and headset that are not paired, the touch screen asks if you would like to pair them (thereby removing the previously paired headset, if there is one, from the base’s pairing table). Touch the ‘confirm’ icon to pair them; touch the ‘cancel’ icon to prevent pairing (while still charging the headset).

Please note that if you dock a headset to a Jabra GO 6470 base with which it is already paired, no pairing notification will appear.
Q Why won’t my headset pair with the USB Bluetooth Adapter?

A Please check the following:

– Make sure that the headset is charged and in pairing mode

– see above.

– Make sure that the adapter is in pairing mode. With the adapter attached to the PC, press and hold the adapter’s multi-function button down for 2 seconds to put it into pairing mode. In pairing mode, its LED is a constant blue color. If you are still having trouble, see the section called “Pairing the Adapter and Headset” in the user manual for more information.

Q Why doesn’t my computer detect the Jabra GO 6470 base?

A Try connecting the base to another USB port on the PC. Also, please note that it must be a direct connection, i.e. with no USB hub in between.

Q I can’t contact the dial-in server. What should I do?

A Let the touch screen wizard guide you — you can retry the

automatic setup or try a manual setup of your desk phone.

You can also choose to retry the cable setup. See the section called “Configuring the Jabra GO base for your desk phone” in the user manual for more information.

Q Why doesn’t my headset work with my softphones / mobile phone?

A Please check the following:

– Make sure the headset is charged. The LED lights up a constant green color when fully charged.

– Make sure you are within range of the Jabra GO 6470 base or mobile phone. See the question concerning range, below.

– The base or mobile phone and the headset may no longer be paired. See the section in the user manual about pairing these devices.

Q My headband / earhook / neckband is broken. How do I get another one?

A Simply contact your local Jabra supplier and place an order.

You can find the part numbers in the section called “Optional

Accessories” in the user manual

Q Nothing happens when I try to use my desk phone.

A Check the following:

– Make sure the Jabra GO 6470 touch screen base

is powered on.

– Make sure the desk phone is the current target. See the section “The Target Phone Concept” for more.

– Make sure the audio link to the desk phone is active

(e.g., by tapping the headset multifunction button or touching the activate-audio-link icon on the touch screen)

– Make sure that the telephone has an active connection to the phone network (i.e. its handset is off the hook or its headset button is pressed).

– Re-run the desk phone set-up wizard

Q I can’t hear anything in my headset when using my mobile phone.

A Try the following:

– Make sure the two devices have been paired and are in range.

– Increase the speaker volume on the headset by sliding your finger up the touch-sensitive panel on the side of the headset.

Q I hear a low noise in the headset when there is silence at the other end?

A Your headset is probably using one of the highest volume settings. Decrease the speaker volume on the headset by sliding your finger down the touch-sensitive panel on the side of the headset.

Q I hear myself when I talk using my desk phone. What can I do?

A This probably means your transmission volume is too high. Set the transmission volume on your desk phone to a lower level.

Q The sound in the headset is poor quality or the person at the other end cannot hear me when I talk using my desk phone

A The clear dial-tone switch and/or microphone-level setting in the Jabra GO 6470 base may be set incorrectly. Correct it by re-running the desk phone setup wizard. See the section called “Re-running the Setup Wizards” in the user manual for more information.

Q I can’t hear sound or listen to music from my PC using my headset.

A Please check the following:

– Make sure that the Jabra GO 6470 base is selected as the current audio device both in the Windows sound control panel and in the application you are using.

– Make sure the audio link to the PC is open (e.g., by right-clicking on the Jabra Device Service icon in the Windows notification area on your PC).

– Make sure softphone is enabled in Jabra PC Suite.

Q I have moved to a new desk at work. Is it possible to put my headset on another Jabra GO 6470 base?

A Yes. Just place your headset in the cradle of the new Jabra GO 6470 base. The two devices will pair and connect automatically.

Q When I try to make a call using my desk phone, the GN1000 RHL lifts but the call is not connected.

A The GN1000 cannot be used in conjunction with a headset port. Make sure that the Jabra GO 6470 base is connected to your desk phone’s handset port and not its headset port (if it has one).

Q Is it possible to automate calling and answering on my desk phone without using a handset lifter??

A Yes, but only if your desk phone has an electronic hook switch feature. Ask your supplier about the phone’s compatibility or consult the support area of the Jabra web site – www.jabra.com/GO6400

Q My telephone includes an electronic hook switch feature that should work with my headset, but I can’t get it to function.

A Please check your desk phone documentation to see if any special configuration settings or software updates are required on the desk phone. Also, see the Jabra website for more information, including compatibility and the correct, clear dial tone switch setting.

Q Does Wi-Fi interfere with Jabra GO 6470 if you have them in the same place?

A No, the Jabra GO 6470 uses adaptive frequency hopping, thereby avoiding channels that are blocked by Wi-Fi. To ensure good sound quality, only the free channels are used.

Q I Is it possible to listen in on calls with the
Jabra GO 6470?

A The risk of unauthorized access to communication via a Bluetooth headset is very limited. Jabra GO 6470 uses 128 bit encryption.

Q What is the range on the Jabra GO 6470?

A The Jabra GO 6470 headset supports the following maximum ranges:

– When talking through the Jabra LINKTM 350 Bluetooth® Adapter (softphone); up to 300ft*

– When talking through the Bluetooth® connection in the Jabra base (desk phone); up to 300ft*

– When talking on (most) mobile phones; up to 80ft**

Please note than in practice, you may find the range to be somewhat shorter due to physical obstructions and electromagnetic interference. Also, if your headset is in power save mode, the range is slightly reduced. The sound in your headset will slowly deteriorate as you move farther away from its Bluetooth® partner; move back into range and sound quality is restored. If you move all the way out of the given range, you will lose all sound.


A Up to 6 hours. Talk time depends on the device with which the headset is connected.