Home Plantronics Why use a telephone headset

Why use a telephone headset


Using Telephone Headsets is a Sound Decision

Savi740_womenHeadsets form Plantronics is special set of device for those who work in a constant phone call environment. If the ache in the neck hampers to work ability then it is time that you invest in a headset.

Introduction – Does your work require you to be highly engaged on the phone, maintaining the hand receiver between the shoulder & chin can prove painful? Not only does it hamper other task & movement while attending the phone, but there will certainly be some soreness in the neck creeping up if you hold if all the time. Irrespective of your sporadic use, shoddy placement too can lead to pain.

Yet not many acquire benefit of a really not that expensive & easy remedy: Plantronics Office Headsets. With headsets both the hands are free and you are still talking, allowing you to be multitude with all other works that you are surrounded with. Sip on your coffee, the headset gives you that liberty.

Design & Use: Plantronics Headsets could be applicable in all most all home or office phone environments. Attaching a 1 or 2 plug make them operational. Models for such headsets are aplenty, thus it is you who shall have to go about find the right correct one. Headset from Plantronics are of various styles, be it in diminutive small molds that fit your ear size to big, case broadcaster-resembling units. For those environments that are sound making such as a BPO unit, a binaural headset from Plantronics that sports 2 ends, is ideally suited so that noise from behind isn’t a factor. But you won’t be at it always, a monaural (1 earpiece end) headset is recommended as you keeping while and yet know that’s happening around you.

Sound Quality Sound superiority means a good headset. Supposing you or others cannot listen to you, that’s a worthless headset. A few people tend to speak loudly; in that case you need volume controls. Every model gives an option to control incoming volume, but just some give an option to control outgoing volume For great sound quality is noise canceling that aids subsiding noise from the background so incoming voice is heard well. (The feature though comes at an extra cost.)

Convenient Features: Headset/Handset Swap. Through this feature a user can swap between handset and headset when making or attending calls. Such a feature should be clearly marked & reachable quickly, when you hear the phone ringing, scurrying to find the option and making a mistake is not what you want.

Quick Disconnect Plantronics Quick disconnect give you the option to cut the equipment completely from the remaining equipment, thus headset need not be displaced upon moving away from your desk. (Huge protection, too, you won’t be pulled back to the chair through the connecting cord.) When you set out to purchase a model claiming to have this feature, see to that it is the same.


It can be anywhere near 150-200 dollars for a creditable headset, there is a headset plus its amplifier. Even though you can find fifty-dollar pieces, being cost-conscious will get you something similar, soon than later you could keep it in the closet. Plantronics Cordless headsets are suited for those people who walk while speaking. The disadvantage being that you have to return to the instrument to make or attend calls, and similar to cordless phones, Plantronics cordless too would stop responding over a particular distance.

Wireless vs. Cordless

Most of us own cellular phones, and we require a headset as aid. Plantronics wireless headsets are great when driving and talking on the phone. Simply fix it onto a headset jack that is there Cell Phone (they are there on most, if not there then use adapters), and get them to stick on the ear opening to have the voice come in. Plantronics wireless headsets could be priced in the range of twenty-five to eighty dollars, based upon the features & style. Plantronics Headset Choosing One Upon intending to go headset shopping, you would look for comfort. Those high-end models won’t be any good if you needs do not match its offerings. For instance, you love you hair do and do not like it being out of shape then go for ear gear model. Do you like a stick shaped cushion-free that comes all the way to the center of your mouth so that in any situation your voice is clearly audible. To know what is best for you, try out a few models practically in daytime conditions so you know their results. Adjusting the microphone should be easy. It is not important that only you hear your callers with clarity but your callers too must be able to have voice clarity when listening to you on the other side. Volume control arrangement is different in different models; so you would like to test that feature prior to actually purchasing it.