Home Plantroincs Special Products Headsets for Radio Dispatch, 911 Emergency or Air traffic controller

Headsets for Radio Dispatch, 911 Emergency or Air traffic controller


Headsets for Police Radio Dispatch, 911 Emergency or Air traffic controller

Plantronics Headsets for air traffic control, police radio dispatch, or
a 911 emergency/ambulance communication services. If you do not know if your console is a 6-wire (most common) or a 4-wire you will need to check with your console technician.

For a 6-wire console (most common):

For corded applications: you can use Plantronics SHS1890-10, SHS1890-15.

Plantronics SHS1890

If you wish to go wireless you can use the 6-wire Plantronics CA12CD-S (see below)


Poly (was Plantronics) now has a new Poly CA22CD-SC single channel push-to-talk (PTT) wireless adapter.  Eventually the CA12CD-S will be phased out.  What’s the difference, see our CA12CD vs CA22CD comparison blog

poly ca22cd-sc ptt wireless adapter single channel (no return) view

For a 4-wire console (less common):

For corded applications: you can use Plantronics SHS1892-10, SHS1892-15.

Plantronics SHS1890

If you wish to go wireless you can use Plantronics CS540 with a PJ-327 plug prong adapter which is part number 18709-01. With the 4-wire wireless option you will need to use either the foot pedal on the console or the button on the console prior to transferring to the belt pack of the headset

For consoles with TA6MLX connectors:

Plantronics SHS 2371-11 USB Push-to-Talk PTT Adapter (no return) The Plantronics SHS2371 is a Push-to-Talk (PTT) switch with USB-A connector.  compatible with any system with a TA6MLX connector and a VoIP software system that can accommodate a USB port.  This is a stereo (dual channel) system so it’s best used with another dual channel headset like the Plantronics HW261N-DC.

plantronics shs 2371-11 usb push-to-talk ptt adapter (no return) view


There is also the new Poly CA22CD-DC (dual channel) version with a Switchcraft TA6 connector.  see picture below.  It’s best to use with a dual channel headset like the Plantronics HW261N-DC.

poly ca22cd-dc ptt wireless adapter dual channel (no return) view

Dispatch Headsets (Plantronics QD)

Designed specially for the dispatch operators in mind. Check out the Plantronics H31CD headset and the  Plantronics H81N-CD TriStar(see below)

Plantronics H31CD

Plantronics H81N-CD TriStar Noise-canceling Headset


Plantronics Headsets with TA6ML connectors:

Plantronics HW261N-DC Dual Headset with TA6ML connector

plantronics hw261n-dc dual headset with ta6ml connector view

Plantronics SDR 2460-01 Dual Channel Headset TA6ML (no return)

plantronics sdr 2460-01 dual channel headset ta6ml (no return) viewPlantronics SDR 2460-01 Dual Channel Headset TA6ML (no return)

Also available is a USB footswitch for any compatible VoIP application software. Plantronics SSP2646-11 Foot Switch USB, Heavy Duty

plantronics ssp2646-11 foot switch usb, heavy duty (no returns) view

To see the whole line of Wireless Headsets or Plantronics Headsets visit www.HeadsetPlus.com