Plantronics Savi WO100, WO200, WO300, W350 Wireless Headset FAQ
Plantronics Savi WO100, WO200, WO300, WO350 Wireless Headset FAQ and Trouble shooting Tips: Q. What's the different between the different Plantronics Savi Office models? A. The only difference between Savi Office models is their style of headset. Plantronics WO100 uses a convertible earpiece that uses either a headband or an ear loop, which weighs 25 grams. Plantronics WO200 uses an on-the-ear earpiece, which weighs 27 grams. Plantronics WO300uses a monaural headset (covering one ear), which weighs 72 grams. Plantronics WO350 uses a binaural headset...
Are Wireless Headsets Safe?
Does Wireless Headset Radio Frequency Emissions affect your Health, if any. Wireless Headset Radio Frequency Emissions and your Health For a long time, there have been health concerns with the ever rising use of cell phones. The debates continue and there is much research you can access on the internet. There have been many studies over the years and so far, there...
Tips for charging Jabra GN 9330e, 9350e wireless headsets
1) The headset must be docked firmly in the base for charging to occur. The two indications of being properly seated in the base are that you should hear an audible “click” when the headset is docked indicating that the charging circuit has been activated, and one of the 4 green LEDs should start flashing (unless it is already...
How to Re-sync/Pair a Replacement CS50/CS55 Headset to Base
How to re-subscribe/Sync the CS50 Spare or CS55 Spare headset to its base. Important: Before re-subscribing the system, make sure the IntelliStand switch (on the right side of the charging base) is in the "_" position and NOT the "=" position. To Re-Subscribe (Pair) the Plantronics CS50 or CS55: The headset and the base unit are supplied subscribed to each other. However, if...
Plantronics CS55 Wireless Headset Technology
Plantronics CS55 products are advanced communications units with an integrated headset. The Plantronics CS55 communications family includes the CS50, CS70 and the CS3 xx. Different headset models are designed for different purposes. Some can replace a telephone’s handset; connect into the headset ports of different telephone manufacturers; and into personal computers. All Plantronics headsets fit over the user’s ear or...
Plantronics CS50 Cordless Headset with Superior Audio
Plantronics CS50 headsets have an integrated noise-canceling microphone positioned to optimize your operator’s speech along with a dynamic speaker. This gives superior audio performance consistently. They use 32 bits ADPCM bandwidth and the listening volume is adjustable on the headset and at the base. The talk volume adjusts using a sliding control and the volume control on the underneath of...
Plantronics CS50 Wireless Headset Technology
Plantronics CS50 products are advanced communications units with an integrated headset. The CS50 communications family includes the CS50, CS50-USB and any other Plantronics products built on the CS50 platform. Different headset models are designed for different purposes. Some can replace a telephone’s handset; connect into the headset ports of different telephone manufacturers; and into personal computers. All Plantronics headsets fit...
Plantronics CS55 Wireless Headset Security
How Secure is the Plantronics CS55 Wireless Headset from Eavesdropping? Plantronics CS55 Headsets all comply with the highest safety and communications regulations set out in North America. Using Plantronics CS55 headsets gives you top security for all you voice data. This article gives an overview on how Plantronics CS55 products meet HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley (2002), Section 4 compliance; as well as...
Connection between Wireless Office Headset and Cancer
Wireless Headset & Cancer (Tumors)…Any Connection? With all of the attention recently brought up in the media about cell phone usage & a potential link to brain cancer or tumors, I felt it necessary to clarify some things for Headset users. First, let me start off by stating that I in no way claim to be an authority on ANY...
Which Wireless Headset Technology to use?
Which Wireless Office Headset Technology suits you (Bluetooth or DECT)? With all the technologies available today it is hard to know which wireless headset to buy. We all know the convenience headsets give the person on the move – on the road or just around the office. But what technology features do we choose – Wi-Fi and cell phone compatibility,...