Home Headset Parts & Accessories Plantronics Wireless Headset Using APP-51 EHS on Polycom Phones Disconnecting (CONT.)

Plantronics Wireless Headset Using APP-51 EHS on Polycom Phones Disconnecting (CONT.)


After trying almost everything to connect your Plantronics Wireless Headset to connect to your Polycom phone with an EHS cable, have an IT guy or your Phone provider help you go through these settings:

(For Polycoms IP 320/321, IP 330/331. IP 335, IP 430, IP 450, IP 550, IP 560, IP 650, IP 670 and VVX 1500)

1) Depending on your phone’s sopftware version, open one of the following configuration files for editing using an XML editor such as ‘XML notepad’:  
   -For UC Software version 3.3.0 or later, open reg-advanced.cfg and navtigate to the <up> attribute  
   -For UC Software version 3.2.x or earlier, open phone1.cfg and navtigate to the <user_preferences> attribute  

2) Set the up.analogHeadsetOption parameter to ‘2’


3) Enter the name of the configuration file you edited (reg-adavnced.cfg or phone1.cfg by default) next to CONFIG_FILES section of one of the master configuration files

    -Use the 000000000000.cfg master configuration file if you wish to apply changes to all phones on your network  
    -Use the <MAC-address>.cfg master configuration file if you wish to apply changes to a single phone with that MAC address  


For all Polycom models:

If still disconnecting, put the headset on the cradle, unplug the EHS cable from the back of the headset cradle, unplug the cable from the back of the phone, make sure all plugs look straight and undamaged, then plug it back into the devices. The 5-prong fork plug is especially difficult, make sure it is straight and firmly in place.

If you are still having trouble, please contact us at 650-306-9768, ask for Andrew!