Home Engenius Durafon Engenius Durafon 1X, Durafon Pro, Durafon PSL, Durafon 4X, What’s the...

Engenius Durafon 1X, Durafon Pro, Durafon PSL, Durafon 4X, What’s the difference?

Engenius Durafon 1x

Feeling little confused?  So many models from Engenius long range cordless phone, what’s the difference?  See our explanation below by our experts:

Engenius Durafon 1X is a single line long range cordless phone.  It has been discontinued by Engenius in 2019. With the 1x systems, you can add up to 9 total handsets using the same base.  Engenius Durafon 1x handset has a black bezel around the LCD.  It works like a regular cordless phone you find at Walmart or Best Buy, except it’s very powerful and very rugged, hence the name “Dura” “fon”.  Unfortunately the 1x systems base or the Durafon 1x handsets are no longer manufactured by Engenius so they’re no longer available for purchased.

Engenius Durafon 1x

EnGenius DuraFon 4X  was a 4 line system and it has been discontinued by Engenius around 2008, replaced by the Engenius Durafon Pro model.  Durafon 4X handsets have a silver bezel around the LCD. These 4X handsets are not compatible with the 1x or Pro systems.  the Durafon 4x base are not compatible with the handsets from 1x or Pro systems.  You can no longer purchase 4x handsets as they have been discontinued.

Engenius Durafon 4x

EnGenius DuraFon Pro  is a 4 line cordless phone system that replace the Durafon 4X.  Engenius Durafon Pro handsets now have speakerphone capabilities, Durafon 4X did not.  Durafon Pro allows 2 way / broadcast with all, up to 8 total base units, where Durafon 4x is limited to base specific.  Otherwise they both have the same range, same features.  Durafon Pro Handsets have a green bezel around the LCD.

Engenius Durafon Pro

EnGenius DuraFon PSL Long Range Cordless Phone System

The Engenius DuraFon PSL is the replacement for the Durafon 1x. The Durafon 1x is discontinued. This phone system is the exact same as the Durafon pro EXCEPT it is only for one phone line with the name PSL (Pro Single Line). It has all the same specs and range as all of the Durafon systems and use the same Durafon Pro handset.  You can also use the Durafon PSL as an 1-line add-on for the existing Durafon Pro system.  The only drawback is that it’s not compatible with existing Engenius durafon 1X systems or or 1x handsets. This is a great system if you need a rugged one line long range cordless phone. Click here to buy now.

All Engenius Durafon systems all have 250,000 SQ FT or 3,000 acres  of land coverage.  Engenius cordless phones are about 6x more powerful than the average cordless phone and 50x more rugged. It has been tested to withstand 6-foot drops, over 50 times onto concrete floors without breaks.

If you have further questions regarding these Engenius Durafon Products, call HeadsetPlus.com at  877-999-3838, our specialist will answer any questions you may have.