Home Plantronics How to connect my Smart phone/Cellphone to my Plantronics corded Headset

How to connect my Smart phone/Cellphone to my Plantronics corded Headset


             Cell phones connect us with others and enable information to travel around the world almost instantaneously. For employees and employers its important that they utilize their cellphones in order to stay up-to-date and informed of important information that will help grow and shape their business. 

For the economical businesses that want to their employees to be able to talk on their desk phones for longer periods of time, wired headsets are preferred. Utilizing wired headsets not only frees up their employees hands for multi-tasking it also allows them to comfortably talk on their phones without straining their necks or irritate their ears.

The Plantronics H-Series headsets  specifically, are utilized by these companies because they are best wired headsets on the market. They enable businesses to keep up with today’s constant demand for new information. However for businesses that have needs which take their employees away from their desks and offices its important that they remain connected.

The business’ that have decided to go with the Plantronics H-Series headsets and want to keep their employees connected at all times, we offer the Plantronics 3.5 mm Headset Cable for Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Blackberry, LG, HTC, Motorola Sony Ericsson and many others.

Plantronics 3.5mm Headset Cable Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy

               In order to connect the 3.5 mm cable to your H-series headset, simply detach the headset from the bottom cable or amplifier at the quick disconnect. Connect the 3.5 mm cable adapter to your H-series headset, again at the quick disconnect. Then plug the 3.5 mm plug into your smart phone, its as simply as that!

               If you want to be able to use your H-series headset with your cellphone then the 3.5 mm or the 2.5 mm will enable you to utilize it while in your car, walking around, at the store or even in your house.

               For older cell phones that have the 2.5 mm hole we have the 2.5 mm cable, which you can use. Any phone without a 2.5 mm or 3.5 mm unfortunately will not work.

For further information or any questions contact Jeremy at jeremy@headsetplus.com or call at  1-877-999-3838.