Home Headset Parts & Accessories Plantronics TR-11 Analog Adapter for CS500, Savi 700 Series Wireless Headsets

Plantronics TR-11 Analog Adapter for CS500, Savi 700 Series Wireless Headsets


Did you ever wish you can use the same Plantronics CS500 series wireless headset ( Plantronics CS510, Plantronics CS520, Plantronics CS530, Plantronics CS540) or your Plantronics Savi 700 series wireless headset (Plantronics W740, Plantronics Savi W710, Plantronics Savi W720, Plantronics Savi W730 ) at home with your home phone land line?

Plantronics TR-11

Now you can with the this new Plantronics TR-11 Analog Adapter Cable CS, Savi Wireless Headset adapter.  Simply attached this adapter with your existing Plantronics wireless headset (CS500, Savi 700 only), then the other end to the telephone jack at home.  You’re wireless headset is now ready to answer any calls that comes to your home land line.  To make an outgoing call, simply pick up another phone anywhere in the house to dial.