Home Headset Parts & Accessories How to Connect a Bluetooth Hearing Aid to an Office Telephone

How to Connect a Bluetooth Hearing Aid to an Office Telephone


A lot of people run into an issue when trying to connect their Bluetooth hearing aid to their office telephone. Their are two main reasons why people run into trouble when trying to adapt a hearing aid for office phones. The first is that ninety percent of the phones sold commercially are not Bluetooth enabled and cannot connect to a headset. The second reason is that wireless headsets use DECT 6.0 wireless technology, and the ones that are Bluetooth enabled use the Bluetooth as a Line-In, not to broadcast audio.

Luckily, there is a solution for you! Plantronics has made it simple and easy to hook up your Bluetooth hearing aid to both your office telephone and your computer! The trick is in using a Plantronics MDA220 USB Switch!

Plantronics MDA200 Telephone, PC USB Switch

This device is typically used to connect a USB Headset to an office phone. By using a special Plantronics SSP 2714-01 Bluetooth Adapter Dongle (specifically created for hearing aids) you can adapt this device to work with a Bluetooth Hearing Aid! NOTE: THIS IS A SPECIAL ORDER DONGLE. This will even work in tandem with a lifter so that you don’t have to take the phone of the hook when answering a call! Below you will see how the device is set-up to connect to all three items:

Bluetooth Adapter Compatible with Hearing Aid Streamers for Landline Phone Calls & PC Sound MDABDL

This dongle has been certified by Plantronics to work with Minnesota Wire and Cable (aka Hatis) headsets. A third party has verified that this set-up will also work with most Bluetooth Hearing Aids made by Phonak, Oticon, Noizfree Beetle, iCom, Starkey, ComPilot, Unitron uDirect, Rexton Remote, Mini Blu RCU and Blu RCU, Mini-Tek, ClearSounds Quatro, SurfLink, Widex M-Dex, ReSound and more!!!

If your hearing does not include a pendant (for voice transmission), you will need a Bluetooth hearing aid pendant (streamer), which can purchased from an audiologist

For remote answering you can add the Plantronics HL10 for remote answering, MDA200 power supply 86079-01 is needed if you want to add the HL10 lifter.

Certain Bluetooth Hearing Aids designed specifically for iPhone or Android are not compatible with this set up.

If you would like to place an order for this set-up, give us a call and our sales representatives would be glad to answer any questions or assist you in ordering! Call us at 1-(877)  999-3838!