What are all the different settings on the Plantronics CS50 and Plantronics CS55?
Microphone Transmit (How Others Hear You): The main transmit control is the ABCD switch on the bottom of the charging base. A is the lowest setting, and D is the highest setting. Factory default is B. You can fine tune this setting with the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons on the back of the base. Master Receive (How You Hear Others): The...
How to setup the Plantronics CS50 or Plantronics CS55
On the bottom of the Plantronics CS50 or Plantronics CS55 base unit there are 2 ports. One has an icon of a "Handset" and one has the icon of a "telephone". Unplug the "Handset" from the base of your existing telephone and plug it into the Plantronics CS50 base unit where it has the icon of the "Handset". Then take...
Plantronics CS50/CS55 Wireless Headset FAQ
Most Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ) for the Plantronics CS50/CS55 (USB) Wireless Headsets Q. What's the differences between a Plantronics CS50 and the CS55? A. The headset itself look identical and operate in the same way. The CS50 base is a little taller due to the different frequency it operates on. The CS50 operates at 900MHz and the CS55 operates at...
GN NETCOM 9120/9125 Wireless headset FAQ
Is there any potential risk of hearing damage when using the headset? GN Netcom products meet the highest user protection standards, with sophisticated sound limiting systems to protect the user against excessive sound levels. For that reason all GN headsets have incorporated protection circuits. How long is the warranty? The GN Netcom 9120 and Jabra GN9125 is covered by a two-year warranty. Quality issues that arise within...
Plantronics Wireless Headset Battery & Charging Information
Plantronics CS540 Wireless Headset When it's fully charged, the Plantronics CS540 battery will provide up to 6 hours of talk time. But it will be reduced when operating in wideband mode or if the headset is used consistently at a far distance from the base. A beeping Low Battery Warning will sound If you are on a call and the headset...
900MHz vs 1.9Ghz (DECT 6.0) vs 2.4GHz Wireless headsets
You would always like to make the correct business decision be it financing, investment or communications products, it not about "feed & speeds," but actually products that help the company do tasking effectively and efficiently. To get such solutions corporations are looking up to systems based upon wireless headsets so that employees can be fully hands-free, as that allows multi-tasking...
Plantronics HL10 Jabra GN1000 Handset Lifter Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)
What is a Wireless Headset Lifter? An automatic handset lifter is a electronic device that gives you the ability to answer your telephone call away from your phone. You will first need to purchase or already have a Plantronics or Jabra/GN Netcom wireless headset. In addition you will need to purchase the Plantronics HL10 or Jabra GN1000 lifter accessory. This...
Plantronics Commercial Aviation Headset Frequently Ask Questions
Q. Are the new Plantronics aviation headsets FAA approved? Yes. The products meet the FAA’s TSO (Technical Standard Order) C57a and C58a specifications that dictate the performance of headsets that are used aboard aircraft. These FAA specifications are also referred to as “airworthiness” standards, and cover such performance characteristics as audio levels and flammability standards. Typically, even though the FAA...
How do I use a headset with MagicJack
Have you been looking for a headset for your MagicJack telephone device? We have the headset for you! There are two ways to use a headset with the Magic Jack: (1) Plug directly into the MagicJack: Any Telephone with a headset, for example Plantronics T10, Plantronics CT14. (2) MagicJack comes with a PC soft phone for your computer PC or laptop, so...
Information for Section 508 and Plantronics Headsets
Plantronics and HeadsetPlus.com is committed to helping our government customers implement Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Section 508 requires that federal agencies' electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities The following link connects you to documents (PDF files) that describe the accessibility features of Plantronics Headsets which conform to Section 508 Standards. VPAT's (Voluntary Product Accessibility...