Polycom Soundstation 2 – The Best Conference phone in the world.


Vince Lombardi once said, “Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.” And anyone that has worked in the corporate world and gotten ahead knows that you need to be very goal oriented, and work...

Polycom: Company history and conference phone information


What gives a business its competitive edge? We all know that it’s the service, the people that work at the company, but the equipment the company works with is also very important, and Polycom was a company that realized this from the moment it was founded. They knew that the future of telecommunications was changing, and they wanted to...

Plantronics CS540 Wireless Headset, ultimate wireless headset


Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give,” and a company that seems to live by this rule is Plantronics. Ever since its inception, it has done nothing but grow and place new innovative products on the market. Lets take for example the Plantronics CS540 Wireless,...

Plantronics CS50 Wireless Headset Information


Somewhere it says that “One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.  No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.” Quoted by Elbert Hubbard in the Roycroft Dictionary published in 1923. The truth is that today we do have many machines that can do the work of 50 men and sometimes even more, and this...

Benefits of using a Wireless Headset at work


Many of you may not remember this but there was a time when you would answer the phone and you would get all caught up and rolled up in the chord, or someone would make your trip over the phone chord. Today most of us don’t have this problem, thanks to new technology and one of those inventions by...

Why use Plantronics Headsets


"It's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Thanks to Plantronics these words could reach Earth when said by Neil Armstrong upon setting foot on the moon. Making headsets for the last 40 years which bring good fitting, par-excellence sound, and comfort, Plantronics is a business expert as communicating is made easier & effective by us...

Reducing Neck and Back Pain in the Office


Ergonomics issues has witnessed much spotlight off late, the press has labeled the modern workplace as being "dangerous". The office employees of today-; be it time spent in huge offices or operating from household offices-; are getting to know the hard facts of health disorders originating via work. One office employee can have to work nearly 25 - 40 hrs...

Cell Phone Headsets. It’s the law in most states while driving


You must use a Headsets – It’s the law in to have them while in your car. Ever see those cool cell phone headsets? Everyone that wears one looks real high tech, but that’s not necessarily the reason you should use one. No! You should use one because it is safer and in many states its the law. In most...

How to Pick the Right Telephone Headset for your office


The office telephone headset has become more than just a fad, and more than just a cool techie gadget. Headsets have become very important to people at work, people that operate a radio, a cell phone, or even a regular phone, and corporations and businesses around the world have found that headsets are a necessity than a luxury. Office...

Why we all should all use Plantronics Headset in the office or a Call Center.


With Globalization the work office has changed a great deal. You no longer have to be chained to a desk to get your communication tasks done. Today's technology allows people in your customer service department, your call center, or even you executives to communicate with your vendors, your clients and with anyone without the use of cables or wires. This...