I wonder if this will work with the EnGenius line of high-powered 900 MHz (non-cellular) phones like the SN-920. These things have a 2.5mm headset adapter, and the crappy headsets that work with this particular phone are always breaking or getting tangled up in something. I work a job where I need a 900Mz wireless phone that will work across 5 floors of concrete or 1 mile line-of-site and I'm always underneath something heavy, made of metal, and in the dark when the phone rings. If I'm beneath ground level surrounded by concrete, cellular is out of the question ( aside from the expense per call ).
If this this thing will actually worth with *any* 2.5 mm phone and *any* ordinary cheap ( Motorola HS850?) bluetooth headset, it is a welcome replacement for the $100 worth of replacement crap headsets I have to buy every year.
- A Heavy Equipment Software / Hardware Design Engineer From Atlanta
[4 of 5 Stars!]